The L.E.A.D Model

This current period poses many challenges to the world of leadership. Reality is in flux, changing constantly, the future unpredictable, and what appears obvious, often becomes vague and elusive. Yet, leaders are still obligated to achieve results, and they are challenged daily by the growing competition. In the organizational world this reality is defined as:

VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity

Gaya Organizational Consulting, which specializes in leadership mentoring and development processes, has built the Leaders’ LEAD Model of Leadership to deal with this reality. This model serves as a foundation for growth and development.

This VUCA reality brings much “NOISE” into our lives.   To be able to deal with it, we need to develop our own individual and personal resilience, self-awareness, and the ability to look deeply and courageously into ourselves. We call this Mastering Yourself.

The leadership bases of L.E.A.D Listening, Executing, Analyzing, Dreaming

are leadership muscles that should be developed, strengthened and balanced so that leaders can act out of a sense of awareness, choice and personal responsibility.

There is an inherent tension between the leadership bases – tension between Listening and Executing, and tension between Analyzing and Dreaming. Theses tensions are translated into 8 leadership zones that the management level contends with.

The diagnosis offers deep insights on the balances and imbalances in the 8 leadership zones that the model offers.  Each such zone proposes two qualities which are found on both sides of the zone, and an observation on how these qualities come into play.

Finally, the profile offers the managers their own individual insights of their personal anchor qualities which characterize their functioning,  breakthrough areas, effective behaviors and less effective behaviors , all based on a personal L.E.A.D profile, which

leadership bases
leadership zones
Levers of growth
"shadows" (or less effective behavior).

4 Leadership Bases

The ability that leaders need to be able to create intimacy and a real connection with people. By virtue of being able to listen, leaders establish trust, motivate others effectively through empathy and focused attention on the other person.

A skill needed in order to be able to meet challenging targets, to initiate ambitious goals, and to get results. By posing challenging goals leaders cultivate the organization and encourage growth.

The ability to plan, pay attention to detail, assess issues in depth and lead didactically and systematically, work according to procedure, raise a red flag when required, and lead coherently to achieve the organization’s goals and targets.

Leaders need to be creative to achieve “out of the box” solutions and generate an innovative environment. Leaders need to be able to dream, initiate change and mobilize others to go along with their visions and dreams.

8 Leadership Zones

Each leadership zone comprises two essentially different qualities that move on a common leadership axis. The combination of these qualities is what enables the leader to choose from a wide and diverse range of actions in order to deal with leadership challenges.

Approach to Goals
The ratio between a commitment to achieving targets and determination to achieve goals and being people-oriented and having the skills to be attentive.

Approach to Conflict
The ratio between a person’s ability to assert opinions and ideas and being open to considering and hearing the opinions of others.

Approach to Teamwork
The ratio between being able to collaborate with others, and the desire to excel and win.

Style of Leading
 The ratio between being authoritative and taking the initiative, and the ability to be close, attentive and personal.

Approach to Plans
The ratio between being methodical and structured, and being able to be creative and improvise.

Style of Thinking
The ratio between being able to be realistic and relying on data and being able to think in abstract terms.

Approach to Change
The ratio between being able to challenge the current situation and initiate change and being able to manage risks and manage with caution.

Style of Energy
The ratio between being able to show enthusiasm and positivity and being business-like and in control.

5 Levers of Growth

The growth levers describe the manner in which the balance or imbalance is expressed when the leaders contend with each of the zones.

The Anchor Zone
This leadership zone is received when the two qualities that represent it are in high use, and neither one is ineffective in extreme (shadow) situations. In other words, a high grade is received in both qualities and there is no shadow in the zone.

The Dominant Zone
This leadership zone is received when the two qualities that represent it are in high use, but in extreme situations, at least one of the qualities is expressed ineffectively (shadow). In other words, a high grade is received in the two qualities, and there is at least one shadow in the zone.

The Unbalanced Zone
This zone of leadership is received when both the representative qualities are not balanced.  One quality is used effectively, and there is a lack of use of the other quality (one quality received a high mark, and the second quality received a low / average grade).

The Balanced Zone
This leadership zone is received when both the representative qualities of this zone are used partially (both the qualities of this zone received laverage grades).

The Exposed Zone
This leadership zone is received when both the qualities that represent this zone are used partially (a low grade in at least one of the qualities, and a low / average grade in the other one).

The “Shadow” Behavior

This refers to an extreme manifestation of one of the qualities. This shadow behavior usually appears in situations of pressure (when someone is experiencing inner stress). Each “anchor” quality has a matching “shadow” behavior that describes ineffective behavior.