The Process

The Leaders’ L.E.A.D model from Gaya Consulting can be applied in two tracks: the Organizational Track, and the Consultants Track

Leaders' L.E.A.D
The Organizational Track

As part of this track, leaders and managers acquire the profile questionnaire, either individually or jointly by the company. After the questionnaire is completed, the results are sent immediately to their personal computers. Based on the personal leadership profiles, individually tailored learning programs for the development of leadership skills is generated, and is implemented through Gaya consultants or as part of the companies’ leadership development programs.
Managers interested in acquiring the questionnaires, please provide details in the attached link.

Leaders' L.E.A.D
The Consultants Track

This track is for HR personnel and consultants who are interested in an individual development program for various levels of management. After training and being certified in Leader’s L.E.A.D, the participants in this track can implement an independent development program for managers, based on the profile, in their own organizations.
Consultants interested in further details about Leaders’ L.E.A.D certification, please provide details in the attached link.

Leaders' L.E.A.D
Under development

This track, based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being developed for companies and organizations who wish to implement organizational and individual management development. This track is based on receiving sensors from the organization and from the desks of the managers. These sensors are analyzed using AI technology, based on the Leaders’ L.E.A.D model. The results are transferred to the organization or to the managers themselves, in accordance with the characteristics of the program that was requested.